I was going to wait until tomorrow to post a blog about my newly purchased book, Tasting Beer by Randy Mosher, as well as my first experience at Monk's, but I just couldn't wait... I had to say a huge THANK YOU!
When I first posted a link to this blog on my personal Facebook, I'll admit, I was nervous. What would people think about me (a twenty-two year old female from South Dakota) dedicating a blog to (craft) beer? I was pleasantly surprised to receive a huge amount of support, from Facebook "likes", to people adding me to beer clubs (thanks Big Dan!), to phone calls, to private FB messages, to emails. I was overwhelmed with the amount of support I got, and honestly, it really made me feel justified in my journey. I was almost brought to tears by the excitement my blog sparked. Trust me -- I will not let you folks down. You have added so much positive fuel to my already glowing fire.
You will notice that in my about me, I have mentioned that I've never met an unfriendly microbrewer, and I would like to extend that sentiment to all craft beer nerds I've met so far. These are the most supportive, friendly, fun-loving and community-based people I've had the pleasure of knowing and I can't wait to meet so many more.
Though South Dakota presents a challenge to me as far as finding those unique craft beers that spark my interest and my "big" palate, I'm so thrilled to know that networking among beer nerds and just plain friendly people will not be difficult at all.
Tonight I was thrilled to receive Twitter interactions from my two favorite Brookings-based beer bars: a mention from my new favorite brewpub Wooden Legs Brewing Co., and a follow from Pints and Quarts. I will be mentioning both of these fine establishments in later blogs (upon their permission), but I definitely think that they are both worth mentioning. Both can boast fine service and excellent beer selection.
I've left a bit of my heart in Brookings with these establishments, but as I mentioned before, I'm thrilled to explore Sioux Falls. If any of you are from the area and would like to help me explore and/or grab a pint with me, please feel free to comment below or contact me via Twitter.
Again, thank you to everyone -- from high school classmates who liked my status to SF beer nerds who welcomed me with open arms, to you I say:
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